Gas Engine Cooling Chillers & Heat Pumps

Cooling, Heating & Hot Water

Gas-Engine technology provides superb efficiency for central cooling and heating solution, capable of reaching high efficiency and high reliability

Introduction of GEHP

What is Gas-Engine Air Conditioning System?

Our eco° Gas-Engine Chiller & Heat Pump (GEHP) utilises a natural gas engine to drive the compressors that compresses the refrigerant to deliver the required cooling for commercial indoor spaces. By using natural gas and reversible air-source technology, our technology delivers low operating costs, reduce CO2 emission and use extremely low electrical consumption.

Our Gas-Engine Air Conditioning System is available in two solutions: Gas Variable Refrigerant Flow (GVRF) and Gas Engine Heat Pump (GEHP)

Notable Benefits

All in One System

Our eco° Gas-Engine Chiller & Heat Pump (GEHP) is capable of delivering central cooling, central heating and hot water production in all in one system. Thanks to the world-renowned gas-engine technology, our solutions offers low operating costs, superb durability and the ability of using Natural Gas (NG) and Liquidifed Petroleum Gas (LPG).

Cooling with GAS






Chillers & Heat Pumps

Our eco° Gas-Engine Chiller & Heat Pump (GEHP) delivers high-powered cooling with efficiency peaking at 205%. Applicable with LPG and NG fuels, our technology is suitable for the delivery of cooling and heating and hot water production on recovery mode. Ideal for hotels, resort centres, gyms, schools and manufacturing plants

eco commercial gas absorption heat pump


Gas-Engine VRF

(Variable Refrigerant Flow)

Our eco° Gas-Engine VRF features renowned gas-engine from world-leading manufacturer, Yanman Japan. Utilising the revolutionary technology, our Gas VRF solution delivers cooling and heating much like traditional VRF / VRV air systems. Ideal for hotels, greenhouses and manufacturing plants, our gas engine VRF can reduce electrical consumption by 90%

eco commercial gas absorption heat pump


Explore to find common applications for gas absorption and gas engine air conditioning equipment, ranging from residential to commercial to industrial buildings. Specialising in eco-friendly and alternative-fuel energy systems, eco°gbl focuses on delivering high efficiency and low-energy consumptation solutions

Consult Us

Our regional offices worldwide offer engineering and consultancy services to support our local partners. Get in touch with our international specialists to find out how to conserve energy today